Agency Type: Tribal Police Department
Population Size, based on the most recent U.S. Census Bureau: 98,083
Agency Size: 93 total - 80 sworn; 13 non-sworn
Initiative Partnership(s): Muscogee (Creek) Nation Family Violence Prevention Program (FVPP); County and City Law Enforcement Agencies; Federal Task Forces
Grant Focus Area(s): Technology; American Indian and Alaskan Native Populations; Intimate Partner Violence
Agency Profile
The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Lighthorse, Oklahoma, Police Department (LHP) is a part of the third largest tribal nation in the United States, spanning over 5,000 square miles. Muscogee (Creek) Nation covers 11 counties, including Tulsa. The southern portion of the jurisdiction is very rural. Intimate partner violence is a significant concern, with those residing in tribal communities reporting higher intimate partner violence rates than those in non-tribal communities. In 2021, LHP responded to 298 intimate-partner-violence-related calls; a 95% increase from 2020. LHP intends to purchase forensic evidence extraction software to increase investigative capacity to collect evidence in intimate partner violence and related cases and decrease repeat offenses of this nature.
Agency Outcomes
Coming Soon