Agency Type: Police Department
Population Size, based on the most recent U.S. Census Bureau: 1,700
Agency Size: 10 total - 8 sworn; 2 non-sworn
Initiative Partnership(s): Town of Duson Council; Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office; Acadia Sheriff’s Office
Grant Focus Area(s): Personnel; Crime Analysis
Agency Profile
The Duson, Louisiana, Police Department (DPD) has a staff of 10 that serves 1,700 individuals. Duson is an agricultural community with a high poverty rate and an increasing rate of violent crime, including motor vehicle theft, illegal carrying of firearms, aggravated flight from an officer, and battery. Narcotics-related crimes have also been a factor in the violent crime rates in Duson.
The DPD seeks to foster stronger connections with its community by hiring an additional officer to mitigate the increased crime rate by implementing evidence-based strategies to assess crime data and research strategies. The new officer will serve in a dual role, as crime analyst and officer. This individual will track trends and map violent crime and narcotics trafficking while serving as a patrol officer to enhance response times and proactive policing practices.
Agency Outcomes
Coming Soon