Rural Violent Crime Reduction Initiative (RVCRI) funds can be used for various purposes to support the implementation of a grantee’s violent crime reduction plans. However, there are costs that RVCRI funding cannot support. To determine whether an expense is unallowable, enter the item name or term in the table search bar. If a result appears, the expense is unallowable.
If you have any questions about whether an expense is allowable, especially if it is tactically related, please reach out to the RVCRI team at
Item | Justification |
Pre-award costs and expenditures | Federal funds cannot be used to reimburse expenditures prior to the award period or prior to budget approval. |
Land acquisition | Federal funding cannot be used for land acquisition of any kind. |
Construction projects | Federal funding cannot be used to construct buildings or other physical facilities. |
Firearms/ammunition | Federal funding cannot support the purchase of tactical equipment, including firearms/ammunition. |
Armored vehicles | Federal funding cannot support the purchase of tactical equipment, including armored vehicles. |
Drones | Federal funding cannot support the purchase of tactical equipment, including drones. |
Body-worn cameras (BWCs) | Body-worn cameras are technically allowable under federal funding, however, BWCs will not be funded under this award since there are two BWC funding programs already in existence:
▪ Small, Rural, Tribal BWC: ▪ BWC Policy and Implementation Program to Support Law Enforcement Agencies: |
Other tactical equipment | Any other forms of tactical equipment used solely for enforcement purposes, including, but not limited to, ballistic vests, restraints, tactical robots, or spike strips. If you have questions on if an item is considered tactical, please reach out to the RVCRI team at |
Supplanting of State, Local, or Tribal Funds | Federal funds cannot be used to support an item or personnel cost for an item that has already been budgeted for in the state or local budget. Supplanting occurs when a state, local, or tribal agency reduces state, local or tribal funds for an activity, specifically because federal funds are available (or expected to be available) to fund that same activity. Federal funding may also not replace state, local, or tribal funding that is required by law. If you have questions on if an item is considered supplanting, please reach out to the RVCRI team at |