Agency Type: Sheriff's Office
Population Size, based on the most recent U.S. Census Bureau: 6,777
Agency Size: 54 total - 22 sworn; 32 non-sworn
Initiative Partnership(s): N/A
Grant Focus Area(s): Technology; Narcotics Trafficking; Firearm-Related Crime
Agency Profile
The Hancock County, Tennessee, Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) has 22 sworn officers serving over 6,000 individuals. Located in a rural mountainous community with poor radio communications, the HCSO is modernizing its department by implementing a records management system (RMS) and purchasing Wi-Fi hotspots, tablets, and radar units. The HCSO is using this equipment to improve officer safety and enhance violent crime response while on patrol in rural areas that have limited radio communications.
The HCSO has implemented a violent crime reduction plan with the intention of using the data collected through the RMS to coordinate efforts to reduce violent crime and narcotics and firearms trafficking.
Agency Outcomes
Coming Soon