Agency Type: Police Department
Population Size, based on the most recent U.S. Census Bureau: 10,514
Agency Size: 26 total - 21 sworn; 5 non-sworn
Initiative Partnership(s): Neighboring Communities
Grant Focus Area(s): Technology; Felony Thefts; Narcotics Trafficking
Agency Profile
The London, Ohio, Police Department (LPD) serves a population of 10,000 individuals with 21 sworn officers. The city experiences motor vehicle-related crime, felony thefts and robberies from retail establishments, motor vehicle thefts, and narcotics trafficking that expands into various violent crimes. In recent years, LPD has experienced an increase in burglaries related to motor vehicle thefts and stolen vehicle pursuits in the city and neighboring jurisdictions. Narcotics trafficking from suppliers in neighboring jurisdictions conveying narcotics into London is a routine challenge that the agency experiences.
The LPD intends to fund automated license plate readers (ALPRs) to address motor vehicle-related crimes in the community. The ALPRs will be placed in a variety of locations, including state roads and highways that are thoroughfares into the community. The LPD plans to use this technology to increase apprehensions of violent criminal offenders and wanted individuals and aid in the recovery of stolen motor vehicles.
Agency Outcomes
Coming Soon