Rural Violent Crime Reduction Initiative Rural Roundtable III: Data Driven Strategies to Address Violent Crime

Publication Date: July 2023

The Rural Violent Crime Reduction Initiative (RVCRI) provides resources to rural and tribal jurisdictions seeking to address specific crime problems. RVCRI-funded sites utilize a multi-disciplinary team to identify and prioritize crime challenges and specific places and populations to direct grant resources. While unique to each site, crime reduction approaches include a mix of evidence-based and evidence-informed strategies. This session, part of an ongoing peer networking series, began with a presentation by National Policing Institute staff on data driven strategies to address violent crime. The second portion of the event included brief project descriptions and updates by a select number of RVCRI grantees, providing the opportunity for peer engagement and discussion.


  • Kerry Yerico, Senior Program Manager, National Policing Institute
  • Chief Steven Lowell, Oneida (NY) Police Department
  • Captain Scott Werre, Ridge Spring (SC) Police Department


  • John A. Connelly, Senior Program Officer, LISC Safety & Justice


The blue resource link will direct you to the Rural Roundtable recording.


The green resource link will direct you to the Center for Evidence-based Crime Policy at George Mason University.


The yellow resource link will direct you to the Mendocino County, CA Sheriff’s Office Citizen Connect dashboard.


Data Analysis; Networking