
Author: National Policing Institute

Establishing Connections: Integrating Victim Services in Rural Law Enforcement Agencies Webinar

Publication Date: July 2023

On Thursday, July 6, at 2:00pm ET, the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance’s (BJA’s) Rural Violent Crime Reduction Initiative (RVCRI) hosted a webinar addressing strategies for providing victim services in rural communities, best practices, and lessons learned.

Attendees heard from Caroline Huffaker, Senior Program Manager at the National Policing Institute and former Victim Services Director of the Chattanooga, Tennessee Police Department, and Amy Durall, Office for Victims of Crime fellow. During the event, attendees:

1. Learned about the critical importance of victim services and how it is integral to daily interactions between law enforcement agencies and the community.

2. Developed a knowledge and understanding of victim services through a dedicated Victim Services Unit as well as individual officers in the field.

3. Heard best practices for implementing a victim-centered approach to better serve rural communities.

4. Identified partners or providers on a national, state, and local level to provide more efficient and effective victim services programming.

The blue resource link will direct you to the PowerPoint for the presentation.

The green resource link will direct you to the Office for Victims of Crime training and technical assistance (TTA) request form.

The yellow resource link will direct you to a flyer for an upcoming JusticeClearinghouse webinar series on law enforcement-based victim services.


Victim Services